Minggu, 28 September 2014

Today I'm Thankful

Sunday. I spent this day with my little brother (idc even he's now taller than me, I still call him little haha). I cooked for our breakfast and lunch. Because today it's just the two of us at home. I just do some magic with any left food in fridge haha. And my pleasure he liked it! Then we watched running man, and then went out, and bought him a shoes (literally it's not me buying him, it's my mother's money :p) haha
Malemnya, ibu cerita kalau ada temennya adek yang sakit. Aku ga bisa bilang sakit apa. Intinya "sakit". Because everytime I hear or I see a kid is sick, it gives my heart a pain. Just because, I have a little brother, maybe.
Terus malem ini ga bisa tidur. Sendirian di kamar nonton The Fault in Our Stars. Filmnya sedih :(
Aaaaaaa hari ini tuh kayanya diingetin banget buat bersyukur. Ga harus nunggu cantik, pinter, kaya, semua keinginan kamu dikabulkan baru bersyukur. Aku ngga cantik, ngga pinter, ngga kaya. But like hell I care about that! I still have many reasons to be thankful. Aku punya ayah, ibu, dan adek. Aku masih diberi kesehatan sampai sekarang. Oh iya, aku belum pernah rawat inap di rumah sakit loh. Sehat banget kan. Masa masih lupa bersyukur sih, nin?
Aaaaa maaf Allah, aku masih sering lupa. Masih sering ngeluh. Padahal Allah ngasih banyaaaak bangeeet. Terima kasih Allah. Hari ini aku benar-benar bersyukur :")

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